JavaScript Auto Expand Textarea
Versi Dasar
function expandTextarea(id) {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('keyup', function() { = 'hidden'; = 0; = this.scrollHeight + 'px';
}, false);
Dalam Bentuk Plugin jQuery (Dengan Sedikit Perubahan)
* TextAreaExpander plugin for jQuery
* v1.0
* Expands or contracts a textarea height depending on the
* quatity of content entered by the user in the box.
* By Craig Buckler,
* With some modification by Taufik
* As featured on
* Please use as you wish at your own risk.
* Usage:
* From JavaScript, use:
* $(<node>).TextAreaExpander(<minHeight>, <maxHeight>);
* where:
* <node> is the DOM node selector, e.g. "textarea"
* <minHeight> is the minimum textarea height in pixels (optional)
* <maxHeight> is the maximum textarea height in pixels (optional)
* Alternatively, in you HTML:
* Assign a class of "expand" to any <textarea> tag.
* e.g. <textarea name="textarea1" rows="3" cols="40" class="expand"></textarea>
* Or assign a class of "expandMIN-MAX" to set the <textarea> minimum and maximum height.
* e.g. <textarea name="textarea1" rows="3" cols="40" class="expand50-200"></textarea>
* The textarea will use an appropriate height between 50 and 200 pixels.
(function($) {
// jQuery plugin definition
$.fn.TextAreaExpander = function(minHeight, maxHeight) {
var hCheck = !($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera);
// resize a textarea
function ResizeTextarea(e) {
// event or initialize element?
e = || e;
// find content length and box width
var vlen = e.value.length,
ewidth = e.offsetWidth;
if (vlen != e.valLength || ewidth != e.boxWidth) {
if (hCheck && (vlen < e.valLength || ewidth != e.boxWidth)) = "0px";
var h = Math.max(e.expandMin, Math.min(e.scrollHeight, e.expandMax)); = (e.scrollHeight > h ? "auto" : "hidden"); = h + "px";
e.valLength = vlen;
e.boxWidth = ewidth;
return true;
// initialize
this.each(function() {
// is a textarea?
if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "textarea") return;
// set height restrictions
var p = this.className.match(/expand(\d+)\-*(\d+)*/i);
this.expandMin = minHeight || (p ? parseInt('0' + p[1], 10) : 0);
this.expandMax = maxHeight || (p ? parseInt('0' + p[2], 10) : 99999);
// initial resize
// zero vertical padding and add events
if (!this.Initialized) {
this.Initialized = true;
$(this).bind("keyup", ResizeTextarea).bind("focus", ResizeTextarea);
return this;
Seleksi sebuah <textarea>
kemudian terapkan fungsi .TextAreaExpander(min-height, max-height)
$('textarea').TextAreaExpander(200, 700);
Tinggi Minimal & Maksimal dalam Kelas
Berikan kelas expandMinHeight-MaxHeight
pada <textarea>
<textarea class="expand50-200"></textarea>
Referensi: Snipplr - Dynamically Expand a Textarea Based On the Amount of Text, TextAreaExpander Demonstration
Labels: JavaScript, Potongan
Wew seperti search engine stackoverflow ye :D
By Sinto, at Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 7:29:00 PM GMT+7
Ijin simpan code-nya dulu yach bang...
Sekalian mau bilang mengamankan posisi pertama...
By Unknown, at Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 7:51:00 PM GMT+7
@Suwardi Unggit ngga bagi2 posisi pertama buat saya :P
By Unknown, at Friday, May 25, 2012 at 9:43:00 AM GMT+7
Siiip mas..
saya sudah memakai ini :v
By Unknown, at Friday, May 25, 2012 at 4:22:00 PM GMT+7
org super awwam bertanya :( , mislx sy ingin memasukkan kalimat 'Saya cakep' gmn carax tuh..??, kode2 apa sj yg mengapit kalimat 'Saya Cakep', mf merepotkan.. \o/
By Rohis Facebook, at Monday, May 28, 2012 at 3:38:00 PM GMT+7
@Rohis Facebook
<textarea placeholder="Saya cakep"></textarea>
<textarea>Saya cakep</textarea>
By Taufik Nurrohman, at Monday, May 28, 2012 at 7:02:00 PM GMT+7
@Taufik Nurrohman oke mas.., makasij y.... :-bd
By Rohis Facebook, at Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 6:39:00 PM GMT+7
narses bet dagh -_-"
By Harris, at Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 11:18:00 AM GMT+7
Terima kasih sobat. sangat membantu kerjaan saya :). wah nice blog banget. mau tanya-tanya dong gimana sih buat template blogger sendiri. like this blog ?
By mr_Q, at Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 1:15:00 PM GMT+7
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