DTE :]

Sunday, March 23, 2014

JavaScript “Extend”

Fungsi ini setara dengan jQuery.extend() yang memungkinkan kita untuk menciptakan variabel opsional, dimana variabel tersebut bisa dinyatakan ataupun ditiadakan. Jika tidak dinyatakan, maka nilai variabel yang tidak hadir tersebut akan jatuh pada nilai default yang telah ditentukan di dalam fungsi:

function extend(def, alt) {
    alt = alt || {};
    for (var i in def) {
        if (typeof alt[i] === "undefined") {
            alt[i] = def[i];
        } else if (
            typeof def[i] === "object" &&
            typeof alt[i] === "object" &&
            alt[i] !== null
        ) {
            alt[i] = extend(def[i], alt[i]);
    return alt;

Contoh Penggunaan

function myFunction(config) {

    var defaults = {
        firstName: 'Taufik',
        lastName: 'Nurrohman',
        age: 22

    // Extend...
    config = extend(defaults, config);

    return config;


Ketika Anda mengubah beberapa nilai variabel konfigurasi, maka variabel-variabel konfigurasi default yang lain yang tidak diubah akan menyesuaikan:

    firstName: 'Foo'


JavaScript Extend Test via Window Console
Taufik telah berubah menjadi Foo.

Sebenarnya dulu Saya sudah pernah menulis posting yang sejenis dengan ini. Tapi metode yang Saya tuliskan dalam posting tersebut tidak mampu untuk menangani objek multi-dimensi seperti ini:

var defaults = {
    option_1: value_1,
    option_2: value_2,
    option_3: {
        option_3_1: {
            option_3_1_1: value_3_1_1,
            option_3_1_2: value_3_1_2
        option_3_2: value_3_2,
        option_3_3: value_3_3
    option_4: value_4

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sortir Array Berdasarkan Nilai dari Key

// http://stackoverflow.com/a/2699110/1163000
function sort_array_by_value($key, &$array) {

    $sorter = array();
    $ret = array();


    foreach($array as $ii => $value) {
        $sorter[$ii] = $value[$key];


    foreach($sorter as $ii => $value) {
        $ret[$ii] = $array[$ii];

    $array = $ret;


Contoh Kasus

Sampel array:

$my_array = array(
        'id' => 1,
        'title' => 'Orange',
        'time' => '2014-03-05 03:00:42'
        'id' => 2,
        'title' => 'Banana',
        'time' => '2013-01-06 13:05:15'
        'id' => 3,
        'title' => 'Grape',
        'time' => '2011-05-15 01:30:45'

Menyortir data berdasarkan nilai dari title

sort_array_by_value('title', $my_array);


Akan menghasilkan urutan seperti ini:

    [1] => Array
            [id] => 2
            [title] => Banana            [time] => 2013-01-06 13:05:15

    [2] => Array
            [id] => 3
            [title] => Grape            [time] => 2011-05-15 01:30:45

    [0] => Array
            [id] => 1
            [title] => Orange            [time] => 2014-03-05 03:00:42


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Monday, March 3, 2014

Syntax Highlighter Generik dengan PHP



 * Original => http://phoboslab.org/log/2007/08/generic-syntax-highlighting-with-regular-expressions
 * Usage => `echo SyntaxHighlight::process('source code here');`

class SyntaxHighlight {
    public static function process($s) {
        $s = htmlspecialchars($s);

        // Workaround for escaped backslashes
        $s = str_replace('\\\\','\\\\<e>', $s); 

        $regexp = array(

            // Comments/Strings
            => 'self::replaceId($tokens,\'$1\')',

            // Punctuations
            => '<span class="P">$1</span>',

            // Numbers (also look for Hex)
            => '<span class="N">$1</span>',

            // Make the bold assumption that an
            // all uppercase word has a special meaning
            => '<span class="D">$1</span>',

            // Keywords
            => '<span class="K">$1</span>',

            // PHP/Perl-Style Vars: $var, %var, @var
            => '<span class="V">$1</span>'


        $tokens = array(); // This array will be filled from the regexp-callback

        $s = preg_replace(array_keys($regexp), array_values($regexp), $s);

        // Paste the comments and strings back in again
        $s = str_replace(array_keys($tokens), array_values($tokens), $s);

        // Delete the "Escaped Backslash Workaround Token" (TM)
        // and replace tabs with four spaces.
        $s = str_replace(array('<e>', "\t"), array('', '    '), $s);

        return '<pre><code>' . $s . '</code></pre>';

    // Regexp-Callback to replace every comment or string with a uniqid and save
    // the matched text in an array
    // This way, strings and comments will be stripped out and wont be processed
    // by the other expressions searching for keywords etc.
    private static function replaceId(&$a, $match) {
        $id = "##r" . uniqid() . "##";

        // String or Comment?
        if(substr($match, 0, 2) == '//' || substr($match, 0, 2) == '/*' || substr($match, 0, 2) == '##' || substr($match, 0, 7) == '&lt;!--') {
            $a[$id] = '<span class="C">' . $match . '</span>';
        } else {
            $a[$id] = '<span class="S">' . $match . '</span>';
        return $id;



pre {
  margin:1em 0;
  font:normal normal 13px/1.4 Consolas,"Andale Mono WT","Andale Mono","Lucida Console","Lucida Sans Typewriter","DejaVu Sans Mono","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Liberation Mono","Nimbus Mono L",Monaco,"Courier New",Courier,Monospace;
pre code {
pre span.N {color:#8CD0D3} /* Numbers */
pre span.S {color:#CC9385} /* Strings */
pre span.C {color:#7F9F7F} /* Comments */
pre span.K {color:#DFC47D} /* Keywords */
pre span.V {color:#CEDF99} /* Vars */
pre span.D {color:#FFFFFF} /* Defines */
pre span.P {color:#9F9D65} /* Punctuations */

Lihat Demo

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mengambil URL Gambar Pertama dari Posting

Versi PHP

function get_first_image_url($data, $default_url = null) {

     * Matched with ...
     * ----------------
     * [1]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL)`
     * [2]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL "optional title")`
     * ... and the single-quoted version of them
    if(preg_match_all('#\!\[.*?\]\(([^\s]+?)( +([\'"]).*?\3)?\)#', $data, $matches)) {
        return $matches[1][0];

     * Matched with ...
     * ----------------
     * [1]. `<img src="IMAGE URL">`
     * [2]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL">`
     * [3]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar">`
     * [4]. `<img src="IMAGE URL"/>`
     * [5]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL"/>`
     * [6]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar"/>`
     * [7]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" />`
     * [8]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL" />`
     * [9]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar" />`
     * ... and the uppercased version of them, and the single-quoted version of them
    if(preg_match_all('#<img .*?src=([\'"])([^\'"]+?)\1.*? *\/?>#i', $data, $matches)) {
        return $matches[2][0];

    return $default_url; // Default image URL if nothing matched


<img src="<?php echo get_first_image_url($page['content'], 'img/no-image.png'); ?>">

$page['content'] cuma contoh. Anda harus mengambilnya dari konten posting Anda sesuai dengan API pada CMS yang Anda pakai.

Versi JavaScript

function getFirstImageURL(data, noImage) {

     * Matched with ...
     * ----------------
     * [1]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL)`
     * [2]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL "optional title")`
     * ... and the single-quoted version of them
    var matches = /\!\[.*?\]\(([^\s]+?)( +[\'"].*?[\'"])?\)/.exec(data);
    return matches ? matches[1] : noImage;

     * Matched with ...
     * ----------------
     * [1]. `<img src="IMAGE URL">`
     * [2]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL">`
     * [3]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar">`
     * [4]. `<img src="IMAGE URL"/>`
     * [5]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL"/>`
     * [6]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar"/>`
     * [7]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" />`
     * [8]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL" />`
     * [9]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar" />`
     * ... and the uppercased version of them, and the single-quoted version of them
    matches = /<img .*?src=[\'"]([^\'"]+?)[\'"].*? *\/?>/i.exec(data);
    return matches ? matches[1] : noImage;



var img = '<img src="' + getFirstImageURL(sourceText, 'img/no-image.png') + '">';

sourceText cuma contoh. Anda harus mengambilnya dari konten posting Anda, misalnya dengan cara ini:

var sourceText = document.querySelector('.post-body').innerHTML;

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